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One of our goals for this ministry is to equip the kids in our communities with the word and their skateboards. Most of the kids that come to our park come from low income families. But with a willing heart and a smile, they skate their hearts out. Some of these kids come with hand-me-down skatboards. Most of the kids we get are straight from the projects. Our skatepark is in a community were gang and violence is seen almost everyday. In our ministry we understand that skating for our kids is really a way out for them from gang and violence. We truly see it here day by day, and see the difference it makes when the Christ is shared.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

" Sponsor a Skater: BonBon & Anthony"

First of all I want to thank to all who have already donated funds for our ministry. Thank you for your blessings and support. One of our first skaters we would like to sponsor is BonBon and Anthony. They came to our park the first week we opened and ever since they have been coming to the park. It is amazing to see these kids change habits right before your eyes. I admit when they came to the park their mouths were dirtier than a sock! With love and grace and the word their hearts have been softening up and changing. I am amazed on how the Lord is working in these little hearts, in less than two months! We now see the driven desire of God for this park to be built.
Here is one of the video clips we will be posting of our skaters. (On the left side is BonBon and on the right is Anthony).

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